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The student news site of La Salle Catholic College Preparatory.

The La Salle Falconer

The student news site of La Salle Catholic College Preparatory.

The La Salle Falconer

The student news site of La Salle Catholic College Preparatory.

The La Salle Falconer

Avari Brocker, senior and president of the All Minds All Bodies club, said that she chose to do an exhibit for Disability Awareness and Women’s History Month because “it gives it that level of importance that I think these people deserve.”

Bringing a “Passion Project” to Life, Senior Avari Brocker Advocates for Awareness

Kayah Cieslak, Editor in Chief March 19, 2025

Haben Girma was the first deaf-blind person to graduate from Harvard Law School and is a lawyer and advocate for human rights along with disability justice. Climbing back to success after nearly...

La Salle's religion department, along with the broader Catholic community, continues to navigate how to teach and practice core religious values in a world with AI.

Prioritizing “Human Education,” Religion Teachers View AI Through a Lasallian Lens

Kieran Crist-Kenworthy, Assistant Editor March 19, 2025

For La Salle’s religion department, questions of humanity, integrity, and love lie at the intersection of AI and the school’s core values.  And while La Salle introduced a new policy last year...

Students unwind by crafting friendship bracelets in the main hallway.

Photo Story: Lasallians Attend Indoor Recess Flex

Emmett Strackany, Staff Reporter March 12, 2025

During Recess Flex Time on Wednesday, March 12, students experienced a change of pace from the typical Wednesday Academic Flex. With activities ranging from Just Dance in the cafeteria to volleyball...

To gain a better understanding of La Salle, three Christian Brothers gathered to speak with students about their time at La Salle, how the Lasallian core values have impacted their point of view on the world, and their takeaways from high school so far.

Highlighting the Lasallian Mission, Three Christian Brothers Arrive at La Salle

Kayah Cieslak and Finn Christensen-McElroy March 12, 2025

Across the globe, the Lasallian mission exists in 80 different countries, with varying intercontinental institutions spanning from North America to New Zealand.  Linking all of these schools —...

The policy was discussed and determined by the Academic Council, a group of department chairs and administrators who meet once a month.

La Salle’s Grading System Shifted Earlier This Year: Here’s What You Need to Know

Emmett Strackany, Staff Reporter March 5, 2025

Students finishing up first-semester finals may have noticed a subtle but beneficial shift in the way grades are processed which took effect earlier in the semester. Softening grading cutoffs and making...

Lasallians celebrated their faith at the annual Ash Wednesday Mass, commemorating the beginning of Lent and a time period dedicated to fasting and almsgiving.

Emphasizing Love, La Salle Ash Wednesday Mass Commences Lenten Season

La Salle students and staff welcomed the arrival of the Lenten season on Wednesday, March 5, with a Mass commemorating Ash Wednesday and led by Fr. Paul Ybarra. Lent — a forty day period of prayer,...

La Salle students headed to “New York, New York” for the Winter Formal Dance, showcasing class spirit and enjoying the company of their peers.

La Salle Students Hit the Dance Floor for Winter Formal

Emmett Strackany, Staff Reporter February 25, 2025

On Saturday, Feb. 22, students and their guests headed to La Salle for a “New York, New York” themed Winter Formal Dance. Lasting from 8 p.m. to 10:30 p.m., the dance included rainbow pillars,...

According to senior Yedidiah Gebremariam, one of the two leaders of La Salle’s Black Student Union, “Black History Month is a time to honor the successes and achievements of Black people throughout history.”

Recognizing Our “American Tapestry,” La Salle Honors Black History Month

Finn Christensen-McElroy, Editor in Chief February 25, 2025

For senior Trey Williams, one of the two leaders of La Salle’s Black Student Union (BSU) along with senior Yedidiah Gebremariam, the Black History Month assembly highlighted the significant contributions...

From 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., high school journalists gathered at University of Oregon’s Portland campus for a chance to sharpen their journalistic skills.

Absorbing Journalism, Students Journey to Spring Media Day at U of O in Portland

Kayah Cieslak, Editor in Chief February 25, 2025

For the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic, 14 students on The Falconer staff ventured to Northeast Portland for Spring Media Day — a smaller convention compared to the one which took place in...

Planning for the assembly covering the winter sports season and annual Better Together fundraiser — which included filming a video along with attending sports events, such as an equestrian meet — began months before it was held on Wednesday, Feb. 19, Director of Community and Student Leadership Ms. Adriana Noesi explained.

Showcasing School Spirit, La Salle Holds Better Together and Winter Sports Pep Assembly

Esmé Ryznar and Finn Christensen-McElroy February 19, 2025

On Wednesday, Feb. 19, La Salle held an assembly highlighting winter activities and jumpstarting Better Together.  With teams spanning from basketball and swimming to ski, snowboarding, speech...

Helping students think beyond the classroom, religion teacher Mr. Dan Marcantuono said his teaching approach aims to make students feel comfortable.

“A Blessing”: How Mr. Marc Found His Passion for Teaching

Emma Washburn, Staff Reporter February 19, 2025

When religion teacher Mr. Dan Marcantuono, better known as Mr. Marc, walked into a high school classroom as a teacher this year, it wasn’t exactly where he imagined his career would take him. Teaching,...

Spanish teacher Ms. Amy Gantt helps a junior Gabrielle Jones with classwork.

Class Prep at a College Prep: How La Salle’s Teachers Get Ready for School

Zayna Elkhal, Staff Reporter February 11, 2025

Lasallian teachers prepare for lessons in a variety of different ways. From Spanish teacher Ms. Amy Gantt prepping for classes in the summer, to STEAM Director Ms. Carie Coleman preparing on Sundays, here’s...

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The student news site of La Salle Catholic College Preparatory.