Four Athletes: How They Stay in Shape During the Off Season
All types of athletes at La Salle need to stay in shape during the off season to prepare for their sports seasons.
October 26, 2022
Athletes across all sports at La Salle have to stay in shape in the off season so they are prepared for their upcoming seasons. For instance, La Salle’s baseball, golf, swim, and basketball teams all practice prior to their winter and spring seasons. Four students gave us their opinions on their sport and their process to get ready.
Rachel Yaskovic
Rachel Yaskovic is a junior at La Salle and is on the swim team. Yaskovic has been swimming competitively for over 10 years since her brother joined the Oregon City swim team, “Legacy Aquatics.”
Yaskovic grew up watching people swim when she would attend her brother’s swim meets. This allowed her to connect with her brother over the sport and resulted in her joining the same club.
“I could connect with my brother by swimming because I liked swimming,” she said.
The high school season is what motivates Yaskovic to stay in shape year round. She enjoys how inclusive La Salle’s swim team is and considers everyone on the team as her friend. Yaskovic prefers the inclusiveness La Salle’s team offers because of how her teammates push her to be a better swimmer since swimming is an individual sport. “Having friends on the team definitely helps,” she said.
Something Yaskovic wishes to see in her senior year is the swim team getting the recognition they deserve. “It’s something that really sticks with us,” she said.
Roscoe Mithoefer
Freshman Roscoe Mithoefer started playing baseball when he was three years old and was introduced to it by his mom. Since he was so young, recalling the first time he played baseball is difficult. “Probably just was like a plastic bat. And a ball. I don’t really remember,” Mithoefer said.
During the off season, Mithoefer enjoys riding his bike. “I ride to Grant High School a lot and places like that. Basically everywhere,” he said.
He plays catcher and also has a net and tee in his backyard which he practices with for batting and throwing. “I run occasionally. My mom runs a lot, so I’ll go with her maybe once or twice a week,” Mithoefer said.
He is motivated by the thrill of winning since he is such a competitive person. Recently, he has been inspired by pro players.
Although he is currently injured, he has been stretching and working on healing so he will be ready for the upcoming baseball season at La Salle.
Sydney Anderson
Junior Sydney Anderson plays for the girls golf team at La Salle. She got into the sport because of her parents, and has continued playing.
Overall, she tries to stay very active during the off-seasons so she is prepared for golf. Playing soccer during fall at La Salle has helped with that a lot.
As for training, she mostly goes to Stone Creek Golf Course in Oregon City. She normally goes with friends and she knows a lot of people who play at Stone Creek. “Usually when I’m golfing I’ll bring some type of snack and lots of water, and then depending on the weather conditions, just either shorts, polo, or a jacket or sweats,” Anderson said.
She enjoys playing on the team at La Salle. “I just really enjoy the style of golf because the team is really great. All the girls are so amazing and talented and I learn from them all the time,” Anderson said.
Will Ceballos
Senior Will Ceballos has been playing basketball his whole life and has been on La Salle’s boys basketball team since his freshman year. He made varsity his junior year and enjoys how his team consists of most of his friends.
Ceballos has always watched the NBA, looking up to his favorite players on the Portland Trail Blazers. “I love Damian Lillard and I really like CJ McCollum as well,” he said.
Ceballos has watched La Salle’s varsity team for a while since his cousin, who graduated in 2017, played for the school and admired La Salle’s basketball program.
During the off season, especially in the summer, he gathers with friends at a park to play basketball and occasionally lifts weights. He and his friends participated in a program together which specializes in weight-lifting and strength training. He also runs every once in a while, but mostly relies on playing basketball recreationally to stay in shape.
“Normally, me and my teammates would play basketball at the park whenever we could, especially in summer every day,” he said.