Striving to help others and attempting to make a difference, sophomore Ray Patrick looks up to his father, a forest firefighter and role model Patrick tries to emulate the kindness of.
He often aims to display this through “just trying to be as nice as possible,” he said. “Holding doors open — just simple stuff.”
Born and raised in Happy Valley, Oregon, Patrick went to Rock Creek Middle School prior to attending La Salle, desiring an academically challenging and tight-knit environment. Throughout his time at La Salle, Patrick has found himself enjoying hands-on classes such as Weight Training with PE and health teacher Dustin Janz and Advanced Innovation Lab, taught by Director of STEAM Ms. Carie Coleman.
“I’ve got really close relationships with them,” he said.
The ability for Patrick to move around the class setting is another reason he enjoys these courses. Patrick’s desire of making things is reflected through La Salle’s Innovation and Design Center, where he can be found leisurely spending his time.
Patrick’s interest in designing and constructing has been lifelong. Currently, he’s being commissioned to build a new altar for Mass, which he enjoys crafting.
Outside of the academic setting, Patrick can be found on the field playing football for La Salle or with a lacrosse stick in hand playing for Nelson’s lacrosse team. He has been playing competitively in both for four years.

“I just love football,” he said. “It’s kind of the only place I feel really alive when I’m playing.”
Patrick considers watching football his opportunity to learn off the field, viewing elite-level athletes to learn techniques and improve upon his own. Currently, his favorite team is the University of Oregon Ducks, the place where his dad’s side of his family went to college.
“I enjoy watching it because it lets me see more of the sport that I love to play when I can’t play,” he said.
Patrick has many goals for his athletic career, such as increasing his athletic IQ, and most importantly the opportunity to play football or lacrosse past the high school level.
For motivation through his athletic career, Patrick encourages himself to move on from past failures. He reminisces on being a part of the varsity football team, which fell short to Silverton High School in the playoffs.
Patrick balances both his athletic and academic life through late nights, where he perseveres and attempts to do as much work before or after classes.
“I try to balance my time between working out or having practices after school,” he said. “Then whatever I didn’t finish, I just try to come home to finish. But of course, if that’s studying for a test, I’m up really late.”
Most notably, both on and off the field, Patrick found himself establishing connections with others where he can comfortably open to conversation. Having many opportunities to branch out and connect as often as possible is something which Patrick felt more limited to at his prior school.
“I’ve been able to connect with people from other schools, been able to branch out, create different friend groups,” he said. “I always feel like I have someone to talk to no matter where I am.”
A piece of advice Patrick gives to his younger self is being open to trying new things and talking to more people.

In Patrick’s free time, he likes to wind down by playing video games, watching football games, and talking with his family.
If there’s one thing Patrick wants everyone to take note about him, it’s that he’s easily open for help and is an individual others can approach and turn to.