As the calendar resets, many in the La Salle community are setting New Year’s resolutions, hoping to transform their lives in 2025.
From health and fitness goals to career aspirations, these resolutions symbolize fresh starts and a new focus — from breaking old habits to creating new ones.
What is it that drives members of the La Salle community to make these resolutions, and how can they turn their intentions into lasting change? Let’s take a look into La Salle students and their 2025 New Year’s resolutions.
Senior Addi Koch:

Senior Addi Koch believes resolutions are something important to start the New Year.
“As long as they’re achievable, you can have goals that are big,” Koch said. “By the end of the year, you feel like you’ve accomplished something.”
For the new year, her resolutions span a wide range, from hoping to travel more, to being more consistent with going to the gym and working out. Koch plans on accomplishing these resolutions by going on road trips over three-day weekends. She is also planning a trip to Alaska over the summer. In order to make more time to complete her other goals, she will prioritize work sooner rather than later.
Junior Dylan Myers:

While junior Dylan Myers believes you should make progress on your goals all year round, he has some New Year’s resolutions to help guide him on his overall intentions for the year. This includes maintaining his GPA, getting better at boxing, and increasing his lifting numbers in the gym, which he’ll accomplish by staying consistent.
“I know over time, it might not feel like it, but if [you] just keep putting in the work, you eventually reach those goals if you don’t stop,” Myers said.
Sophomore Felix Amistadi:

Sophomore Felix Amistadi has centered his 2025 New Year’s resolutions this year around sports. He prides himself on “just trying to focus on something new each year,” he said.
This year, that is football.
Amistadi wants to focus on football this year, as he is branching out from being mainly a baseball player. He wants to stay consistent in his training because he knows it will pay off as long as he works hard each day. He is hoping to become a valued member of the football team.
Junior Larissa Bonn:

Junior Larissa Bonn has many long-term goals, sparked by the resolution season, including maintaining her grades to later attend a University in California, as well as working in the finance career path.
Bonn’s primary direction is “staying focused on my end goals — the bigger goals that I have — especially when I think about college, or a job past high school,” she said.
She plans on accomplishing these goals by staying as focused and driven as she can.
Freshman Ximena Carrillo:
Freshman Ximena Carrillo believes New Year’s resolutions are a great way to start off the New Year.
Some of Carrillo’s New Year’s resolutions are to spend less money and to be more considerate of other people.
“I just think that I assume things too quickly,” she said. “I just want to be nicer and more caring with everyone.”
Carrillo believes that having a resolution each year can help her become a better person. She is hoping to “think of what other people might be going through” as she interacts with them.
Freshman Raelynn Skeldon:
Freshman Raelynn Skeldon believes that although resolutions might be cliché to others, it’s a good start to the year.
“I know it’s kind of tacky to some people, but in my opinion, I enjoy it,” Skeldon said.
Some of her New Year’s resolutions include getting better grades and staying on top of school work. Skeldon plans on accomplishing these goals by spending less time on her phone and putting school ahead of other potential distractions.
Skeldon believes that she is off to a good start on her resolutions, and hopes to keep it up for the remainder of the year.