Diagnosis: Senioritis
At any point in time during senior year, motivation for high school seems to be sucked dry as the light at the end of the tunnel approaches.
May 24, 2023
Senioritis is the term describing the symptoms of laziness, absences, and a lack of motivation in high school seniors.
Personally, this disease hit me swiftly after the winter show “Clue” closed. Then my condition became terminal after deciding on a college.
After four grueling years of La Salle, the thought of only five classes (as opposed to eight) and the sunny beaches of California (instead of our gray Portland skies) had me scrolling through my future college’s course catalog instead of finishing assignments for the courses I have yet to complete.
After only having a say in a couple of electives during high school, the thought of putting together my schedule including the days and times that I would have class had me prepared to hop on the plane without looking back.
Finding the motivation to stay engaged is difficult when trying to keep the momentum needed to take off in the fall.
The only cure I can think of for this is graduation.