Technology Enthusiast Mr. Scott Hanawalt Joins La Salle’s IT Staff

Ashley Hawkins

After joining the La Salle staff this year, Mr. Scott Hanawalt has expressed his appreciation for the spiritual and positive atmosphere that he has encountered at the school.

Lucy MacNeela, Editor

Self-described as a “typical computer nerd,” Mr. Scott Hanawalt has been fascinated by computers for a very long time — making him the perfect addition to La Salle’s IT department. 

When Mr. Hanawalt started in the summer, he was simply helping with technology upkeep and not intending to become a permanent staff member. However, he was then brought on at the end of the summer as a part of the official staff. The open position was brought to his attention by his long-time friend, Mr. Tad Shaw, another member of the IT department. 

Mr. Hanawalt grew up in various cities throughout the West Coast. He attended Washington State University for college, where he got his degree in biochemistry, and then later pursued his master’s in computer science. 

Although Mr. Hanawalt has had previous experience with tutoring, finding it natural to impart his knowledge of STEM subjects onto others, this is his first year working in a school.

“I have a lot of knowledge about math,” Mr. Hanawalt said. “And, so, when I was starting to think about looking for a job, I had talked to some people about going someplace to tutor math, and so it seemed like a pretty good fit. And that’s still something I wouldn’t mind doing a little bit around here.”

Mr. Hanawalt’s main job is helping teachers and administrators with their tech issues. While he doesn’t teach any actual classes, he has still experienced the warm embrace of the La Salle community. “It’s beyond friendly,” Mr. Hanawalt said. “Everything is positive.”

He said that, while he still feels very new, he is “amazingly comfortable” for the short time that he has been here.

After losing his previous job due to the pandemic, Mr. Hanawalt said that the biggest challenge of his adjustment back into the workforce has been time management. One of his favorite parts of the job, however, is the positive environment and spiritual atmosphere.

Constantly striving to further his education, Mr. Hanawalt enjoys reading books and articles about mathematical and scientific theories. “I firmly believe that if I’m not learning there’s no reason to be alive,” he said.