Fore! The Astonishing Benefits of Playing Golf


Josephine Robinson

Portland’s Persimmon golf course on a bright, sunny summer day.

Josephine Robinson, Staff Reporter


There is nothing like that sound of a golf club hitting the ball at just the right spot, sailing down the fairway, on a day perfect for a round of golf. The sky is clear and the air feels fresh in your lungs. A peaceful feeling fills your soul as you observe the rolling green hills around you. 

Golf is a sport that offers many benefits and opportunities — here is why you should pick up a club and try it for yourself. 

There is no denying that regular physical activity is good for your mind and body. It boosts the immune system as well as physical and mental health. 

Golf provides a great way to achieve that regular activity, and it can be played all days of the week from dawn to dusk. Just by walking the typical five to six-mile courses and swinging a club, a golfer gets a full-body workout and has a blast while doing so. 

While some may be intimidated by the sport’s initial difficulty, it is actually very easy to learn if you are willing to put in the effort. Since there are so many different techniques, learning to play golf is really about finding the methods that work best for you.  

Providing a space to breathe, golf allows people to get away from everyday distractions and enjoy nature. 

Walking outside raises endorphins and serotonin levels — both of which are hormones that give feelings of happiness — making golf an excellent way to reduce stress and anxiety. 

You can play golf whether you are with or without company, as it can be played solo, giving you a chance to have alone time or with friends, giving you a chance to catch up.

Another great aspect of golf is that all walks of life and ages can play. As this sport is enjoyed by both the young and old, players can continue to grow their skills all throughout their lives. 

Golf also presents opportunities that go beyond just physical and mental health benefits. 

Friendships created on the golf course can often last a lifetime, and the golf community is one that everyone should be a part of. It is a very supportive group that you can always turn to in a time of need. 

I have been playing golf for as long as I can remember, though in all honesty, I have not always loved it the way I do now. During my elementary years, I was embarrassed to admit I played because it was not a popular sport for girls my age. Nevertheless, as I have gotten older I could not be more appreciative or proud of this sport.

Golf has now become my main way to slow down, relax, and get away from the everyday stressors of life. 

I love being able to go outside and appreciate the scenery around me. On golf courses, I’ve seen some of the most gorgeous views around. 

Similar to how many people can make lifelong friendships on the course, through golf, I have become closer with my dad. We now take any day that we both have off from work or school to go golfing together.

I am thankful for the many opportunities golf has granted me. From the time I started playing, I have made many new friends, and have become more independent. 

Everyone should pick up a club and try golf at least once in their life. If you don’t like it you always have the option to quit, but never giving golf a shot is ignoring all the benefits that are too crucial to ignore.