Ties and sweaters are two of Mr. Larson’s favorite clothing items to wear.
Mr. Larson
English teacher Mr. Gregory Larson was voted as the best dressed in his high school class. He was known for wearing “all the colors, all the time” because he’s colorblind.
“I don’t think that I was well dressed, I was just… most distinct [and] I stood out the most,” Mr. Larson said.
His favorite clothing item used to be a turquoise, 80s windbreaker with neon yellow shapes. He wore a lot of windbreakers, which he got from Goodwill, and he liked to wear clothing items that got a reaction.
After high school, Mr. Larson began to shift the way he dressed himself because he said he wanted to impress people and make more of a statement. He also began to learn a lot more about fast fashion and where things were made.
“[Now] I try to buy things that are well made by people who are treated as well as people can be treated,” Mr. Larson said. “I [also] try to buy things that last forever.”

Mr. Larson most commonly wears the colors blue and red.
Mr. Larson also started dressing himself differently after being influenced by the use of color in movies. He makes an effort to wear colors that go together by using the color wheel and finding colors that are complimentary.
On a school day, Mr. Larson is usually wearing a sweater. “I think it’s important to have a strong sweater game,” he said. “When you picture an English teacher, they’re probably wearing a sweater.”
Ties are also one of Mr. Larson’s favorite things to wear. “[They’re] a weird neck belt that have an addition to style,” he said. “You can have this conversation between the tie you’re wearing, and the shirt you’re wearing, and the shoes you’re wearing. “Those little details are interesting to me [because] as an English teacher I pay a lot of attention to detail.”
Mr. Larson said that a lot of the clothing he used to wear during his childhood is already back in style, except for wearing a popped collar, which is something he hopes will never come back.
Currently, Mr. Larson likes to wear colors on the gold-orange palette, specifically autumnal gold, but he said he wears shades of blue and red most often.
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