The Apple Watch: Is It Worth it?


Ian Basile, Staff Reporter

Apple has recently come out with their newest invention: The Apple Watch. The Apple Watch is claimed to be Apple’s most personal item yet. With its interactive features and convenient location, Apple is hoping the Apple Watch is their new bestseller.

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But for $350? Is the Apple Watch truly worth the amount that most people pay for their iPhones? I don’t think so.

Yes, I will admit that I think the Apple Watch is cool. But that’s pretty much it. Is the Apple Watch truly practical enough to pay a hefty amount of money?

The Apple Watch does some things that the iPhone can do, but the iPhone can still do more. It’s pointless to try to do everything on your wrist when you can just reach into your pocket and grab your iPhone.

The watch has a much smaller screen than the iPhone, making it more difficult to do what you want to do. The watch requires you to have both your hands busy when with the iPhone, you can easily do everything with one hand.

The watch uses a microphone for most of its features which is convenient. But, who wants to walk around talking into their wrist all day looking like a weirdo? Once again, why not just reach into your pocket and look like a normal person using their cell phone?

Apple’s most expensive model of the Apple Watch selling at $17,000 with an 18-Karat Yellow Gold case.

The watch is also ridiculously expensive. I could see this watch selling well if it was $100-$200. But, this watch starts at $350 and gets as expensive as $17,000. You’re basically paying for two iPhones just to have the convenience of not having to reach into your pocket to use some of the features on your phone.

In the end, this watch just simply isn’t worth it. I’m not going to go out and pay hundreds of dollars to be able to have a cool gadget and a fashion piece. My money is going to go towards things that I consider practical, and to me, the Apple Watch is not.


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