Finals Week Thoughts and Schedule

Finals Week Thoughts and Schedule

Emrie Good, Staff Reporter

After Christmas Break, La Salle’s students once again hit the books to prepare for the first semester finals.

Heading straight into finals prep and finals week after a two week Christmas break can be difficult on students. “I would make finals the week before Christmas” sophomore Addy Holenstein states. “That way students can have finals then follow it with a relaxing two week break with no homework.”

Holenstein is not the only one who believes this stressful time should come before the break. Sophomore Anthony Manzon has to agree with her. “We just got back from the holidays and finals were our main focus the first day we got back and started worrying about it.”

Many students believe that finals week is in the wrong place, but Winnie Gregory, sophomore, says that she would rather not have finals at all. “I do not feel as though hours of consecutive testing is the best method to assess a student’s proficiency” Gregory said. “Much of our future depends on our finals, to the point where we base our self worth in percentages.”

On the other hand, there are still good things to be said about finals week.

“We get plenty of time to prepare for the finals” sophomore Brittany Gottsch says. “And they split up the days nicely so we’re not overwhelmed.”

“I like finals” Jasmine Gloden admits. “The teachers help us a lot with review.” Students are not the only ones working hard to get ready for finals. Many teachers take time after and before school to help their students as much as possible.

Students will be studying hard all weekend long for the upcoming finals. Finals are a stressful time for both student and staff, but with hard work and dedication, La Salle’s student’s success will only continue.

1st Semester Finals Week Schedule

Monday: Martin Luther King Day-No School
Tuesday: Period 1- 8:30-10:00 Period 2- 10:15-11:45
Wednesday: Period 3- 8:30-10:00 Period- 4 10:15-11:45
Thursday: Period 5- 8:30-10:00 Period 6- 10:15- 11:45
Friday: Period 7- 8:30-10:00