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The La Salle Falconer

The student news site of La Salle Catholic College Preparatory.

The La Salle Falconer

The student news site of La Salle Catholic College Preparatory.

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Brett and Buster: Graduation Adventure

Brett and Buster: Graduation Adventure
Cadence Wooden
Cadence Wooden

In this week’s edition, Brett and Buster go through a lot in a short period of time with graduation, finding old memories, and heading out to college. The two will part ways, but not without going through one last adventure with one another.

This will be the final edition of Brett and Buster. Thank you for following along with these characters and experiencing their adventures alongside them! To all the seniors moving on to college — have an amazing time, you all are going to do outstanding things. For all the underclassmen, enjoy the adventures you have because it’ll flash by right before your eyes!

Have a great summer, Falcons!


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