Meet La Salle’s 2024–25 Student Body Presidential Candidates

On Friday, April 19, three candidates will speak to La Salle’s students during Flex Time about what they will do if they are elected as Student Body President for the 2024-25 school year.
After the election on Friday, students will be able to send in their votes and two candidates will be elected as Co-Student Body Presidents.
There will no longer be solo class presidents, as La Salle hopes to have a more collaborative group for all Student Council members to work together. “I wanted to elevate [all the leadership students in each grade] rather than just single out a kid for the sake of tradition,” Director of Community and Student Leadership Ms. Adriana Noesi said.
With having two candidates, the Vice President position is now removed. “We felt like it’s important to have two kids in that role to support one another and support me and support our student body,” Ms. Noesi said.
The Falconer is providing each candidate an opportunity to share with the student body why they should get the majority vote before the election on Friday.

Junior Avari Brocker has been in the leadership class at La Salle for the past two years and has fallen in love with being a leader. She wants to serve her community by using her talent as a leader to bring out the best in the students of La Salle. If elected as a president, she hopes to accomplish three main things: helping other leadership students become strong leaders, supplying Google Forms for more student body engagement with things like pep assemblies or dances, and hosting more Flex recess times for students.
What made you want to be a Student Body President?
“I have always loved leadership,” Brocker said. “I have been a captain of a lot of the teams. I’m a leader in my family. I’m a leader at my job. And that’s just the best way I think I can serve my community, is by being a leader. I think a lot of people have different strengths and gifts and I think mine most directly align with being the kind of leader that stands up at assemblies, the kind of leader that empowers the people she’s working with, the kind of leader that represents other people, to be their voice and if they don’t feel comfortable standing up. And I think that’s what student body president is all about. And so I wanted to be Student Body President, so that I could do those things for our community.”
What do you plan to do as a Student Body President?
“As President I have three main objectives,” she said. “The first is I want to help empower the other leadership students. I have grown so much as a leader in [the] class, and I want to help facilitate that for other leadership students. So as President, I would meet with everyone in the class individually so we can set a goal for each semester, and then as we’re working on planning all these different events and in that process, I want to help each person be able to work on that leadership goal that they set. So not only are we improving our ability to plan great events and spirit weeks and so on for the school, but also improving as leaders ourselves. The other thing I wanted to do was highlight and empower student voices. I think that the school spirit is much higher when students feel like they are being heard and seen, so I want to be able to incorporate that more by [putting up] a Google Form next year where students can send in opinions and feedback, like if they have a specific spirit day idea that they want to turn in or a game they’d like to see in a assembly. And then of course sending out more voting opportunities, so we can make sure that we can get people really involved to make sure that we can have school spirit be as high as possible. And then the last thing I want to do around that topic of student voices is more recess. The positive feedback that we got from the Flex recess we had before spring break was overwhelming, and I really want to honor that and so I plan to get much more Flex recess options going on throughout the year next year.”
What’s a fun fact about you that you want the school to know?
“I think a fun fact about me is that my favorite food is sushi,” Brocker said.

Junior Rylan De Souza has always enjoyed being in a leadership position. He feels that being a Student Body President is an opportunity to embrace being a natural leader. In the past two years, he’s been able to interact with new people and wants to make an impact for the people’s benefit. If elected as a Student Body President, he will help with students’ concerns as they arise next year.
What made you want to be a Student Body President?
“I always like being in a leadership position,” De Souza said. “I feel like I like being a natural leader. So being Student Body President is a position where you get to lead the school. And I like interacting with people I don’t often interact [with], and that’s what leadership has done. For me, the past two years I’ve gotten to meet a lot of new people, and so just being in a leadership position where you get to make change is something that I think is beautiful and that it’s kind of appreciated.”
What do you plan to do as a Student Body President?
“[I] honestly don’t have too many promises to make right now, because I think the [more] promises you make now, the less you achieve,” he said. “The things I want to do will come up on the fly, as students tell me their concerns or as problems arise next school year, that’s when I want to step in and be a voice for the student body.”
What’s a fun fact about you that you want the school to know?
“I work at Chipotle, the one right next to the mall, so if you stop by you’ll probably see me there,” De Souza said.

Junior Allison Ginter loves the environment and the people at La Salle and hopes to be able to be more involved with the student body if elected as a Student Body President. She wants to take this opportunity to show that she can be a leader to her community. As a Student Body President, she will work to make the pep assemblies and dances more fun for the students and more inclusive for everyone.
What made you want to be a Student Body President?
“I took leadership for the first time this year,” she said. “And I’ve felt like I really like the environment and I like all the people and being able to be more involved with the students and stuff like that, and this is my step up from that.”
What do you plan to do as a Student Body President?
“I want to be a lot more involved with the students and be able to be a leader and get a chance to show that I can be a leader,” she said. “I want to try and make [the dances] a little bit better and the pep assemblies.” She believes they can get better by “just having more interactive games, like instead of having the smaller groups go up and do stuff. Maybe involve the whole school and stuff like that.”
What’s a fun fact about you that you want the school to know?
“I love concerts,” Ginter said.