Freshmen students listen to a presentation in the library about high school preparedness and tips for success. Chris Long, the new Director of Academic Resources, led the presentation.
Yoga students ventured off the La Salle campus for a hike at Mt. Talbert.
Students in Leadership class set up Halloween decorations in the main hallway.
A gorgeous sunset seen from the computer lab on publishing night.
Fall is here! In the academic courtyard, fall colors emerge on the trees.
Set up for the annual Believe event has begun in the school gym.
Students are hard at work on their iPads in the hallway during class.
Students frantically study for an upcoming Biology test.
The football team practices on a wet and cloudy Wednesday afternoon.
This week on campus, the Falconer staff captured an array of events and moments from life at La Salle in a series of pictures. Highlights from this week include the emergence of fall colors on campus, preparations for the Halloween season, and a fun hike during Yoga class. Enjoy!