Student of the Week: Nate Taylor

John Pham

To others in the La Salle community, senior Nate Taylor wants to say, “thank you to all my teachers who have helped me throughout school and pushed me to be who I am today,” he said.

Maddy Lafollette, Staff Reporter

After La Salle, senior Nate Taylor is going to Gonzaga University to follow in the footsteps of his dad and grandpa, where he will be majoring in business. 

Departing from La Salle he knows that he will miss the community most. “It’s probably one of the best communities that I have ever been a part of,” he said. “Everyone’s super inclusive with each other, and everyone’s always friendly.”   

Taylor said that his favorite teacher at La Salle has been Ms. Sarah Maher, because she checks in on him and has always been especially supportive. 

Another person who has impacted Taylor’s life is art teacher Ms. Cha Asokan. She has helped him open his mind to new ideas and help form ideas when creating art. “I think she’s kind of made me into the person I am today,” he said. “There’s just so much freedom and creativity in the art room. It just feels open to do whatever you want.”  

Taylor said that his senior year is lighter compared to previous years, but to handle this stress he hiked or expressed himself in the form of art. His favorite hikes are in the Columbia River Gorge. 

Besides hiking and art, Taylor also enjoys cooking, especially his mom’s cookie recipe. “I think that’s probably my favorite,” he said.

He is also a part of the hacky sack club at La Salle. Even when not at La Salle, hacky sack is still a common activity that Taylor partakes in. 

Soccer has been a big part of Taylor’s life for 10 years. He has played for La Salle as a center back, and he plays center midfield for his club team, Portland City United. His club team has won the Presidents Cup, a regional tournament, for three years in a row. “That was a good feeling,” Taylor said. 

In the last four years, Taylor’s favorite overall school experience was winning the state competition in 2021 for soccer. Most recently, prom was Taylor’s favorite event this year, as it was the seniors’ last formal dance, so he and his friends were “just making the most of it,” he said.

Before college, Taylor is going to be spending summer traveling and camping with friends. In July, he might also be going to Paris, Italy, and other European countries. 

While at La Salle, Taylor has volunteered at the Oregon Food Bank and Sisters of the Road, along with helping out around his neighborhood. Taylor views the importance of volunteering as both helping others and also growing yourself as a person. 

A role model for Taylor would be his older brother, who graduated La Salle in 2021. “He’s super kind, friendly, generous, just an all around great person,” he said. “I feel like he kind of has done what I really want to do.” 

For freshmen, Taylor gives the advice that “it’s important not to take anything really too seriously. You kind of have to just go with the flow and just do whatever is in front of you,” he said. “And don’t be too caught up on some of your decisions, just move forward and maybe make a better one next time.”