A Human’s Best Friend: Pets of La Salle

Clara Hudson

La Salle has a wide variety of pets ranging from dogs to cats to chickens.

Clara Hudson, Staff Reporter

As the second semester starts, students have been getting back into their routine of balancing school work and extracurriculars. If you need a break from studying, or even just to get your mind off of school for a while, pets can give you that. Here is a look at the pets of some of La Salle’s staff and students.

Mason Bauer: Ruby

Sophomore Mason Bauer is the owner of a golden Vizsla named Ruby. He has had Ruby for five years and one of his favorite things about her is, “she’s always excited to see me and always has a lot of energy,” he said. On the other hand, Ruby tends to chew things up. “We get her toys, but they don’t last long,” he said.

Natalia Gonzalez: Pugsley and Skippy

Junior Natalia Gonzalez is the proud owner of a dog, Pugsley, and a cat, Skippyjon Jones. Her cat Skippy is Siamese, and Gonzalez loves that Skippy likes to play and sit on her shoulders, but doesn’t particularly enjoy Skippy randomly biting and scratching. 

Gonzalez’s dog is named Pugsley after being part Pug. She loves that Pugsley is well-behaved and a good listener but doesn’t see a negative side as she does with her cat. “Pugsley doesn’t really do anything, so it’s hard to pick something that you don’t love,” she said.

Kayla Chapman: Dex, Ashoka, Bella, and Mia

Sophomore Kayla Chapman owns four pets: three cats named Ahsoka, Bella, and Mia, along with a dog named Dex. Ahsoka is a black cat who Chapman has had for five years, though she’s had Bella, Mia, and Dex for three years. Bella is a tuxedo cat, Mia is a light and dark brown tabby, and Dex is a white English cream golden retriever.

Chapman loves that her pets “always want to cuddle, and they’re very fun to play with,” she said. However, she doesn’t enjoy that when she is trying to get work done, they walk on her homework.

Eldon Nichols: Millie, Blue, Jaquavious, Rebel, and Rona

Junior Eldon Nichols has one dog named Millie and four chickens named Blue, Rebel, Rona, and Jaquavious. He has had Millie, a mini black labradoodle for 10 years, while he has only had his chickens for two years. 

One thing that Nichols loves about his pets is “they always seem happy, and they can’t get mad at you,” he said. Along with that, they can provide a therapeutic experience for him. Although there are many things he loves about his pets, he doesn’t enjoy it when Millie bites his shoes and unties the laces.

Sydney Trapp: Red, Sadie, Harper, and four chickens

Freshman Sydney Trapp is the owner of three dogs and four chickens. Her dogs’ names are Red, Sadie, and Harper, while her chickens are nameless. Red and Sadie are both yellow labs, and Harper is a Bichon Frasier. Her newest pets are Red and Harper, but she’s had Sadie since she was seven, and chickens since she was five.

She loves that the dogs sleep in her bed every night and that the chickens give her family eggs. On the flip side, she doesn’t like that Harper poops in the house and that Red chewed up her pillows and couch.

Ale Garcia: Parsley and Diego

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Junior Ale Garcia is the proud owner of two dogs, Parsley and Diego, who were both adopted from shelters. Parsley is a West Highland terrier mix, and she’s had her for six years. Diego is a mix, and she’s had him for three years. She loves how they are both very affectionate and how they act together. “I love how they can be really weird together,” she said.

She also loves how Diego will steal napkins and how Parsley gets crazy after baths, but she doesn’t love it when they bark at random people.

Mr. Lanaghan: Javy

Courtesy of Mr. Lanaghan

Social Studies teacher Mr. Alex Lanaghan has a black and white spotted cat named Javy. Adopting him from the pound, Mr. Lanaghan’s family rescued him during the pandemic. Mr. Lanaghan loves that Javy tends to lie with him while he is laying on the couch watching TV. On the other hand, he dislikes when Javy always wants to go outside at 4:30 a.m.

“He will claw and scratch at our bedroom door until we let him out,” he said.

Ms. Coleman: Itty Bitty and Penny

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Director of STEAM and Innovation and Design teacher Ms. Carrie Coleman is the owner of two cats. Itty Bitty is a fluffy tortoiseshell, and Penny is chunky and gray. She has had Itty Bitty for 12 years and Penny for five. She loves that Itty Bitty wants to sit next to her and be your “best buddy,” she said.

“She personifies chill,” Ms. Coleman said.

She loves that Penny is crazy, goofy, fat, and looks like an otter. However, she doesn’t enjoy it when Penny comes into her room at 2:00 a.m. and puts a toy in her face trying to get Ms. Coleman to play.