Evening Academic Showcase Commemorates Student Achievements
Nicholas Hounton, Staff Reporter
May 24, 2022
Pieces of student work from the year lined the walls throughout the school.
Design Thinking teacher Ms. Carie Coleman explains the function and significance of the laser engraver to parents.
Refreshments, such as cookies, were provided during the showcase.
Freshman Michael Doran gave a presentation to listeners about roller coasters to highlight the work of the debate team.
Some students, such as senior Tyler Pham, earned an award and were commended for their work by teachers.
On Wednesday, La Salle hosted an academic showcase to display students’ work this year to the La Salle community.
From 5-7 p.m., teachers answered questions, cookies were provided, and La Salle community members walked through the halls to see what has been accomplished this school year.