Football Falls to Hood River Valley 14-30 In First Game of the Season

Alec Willard-Herr and Fia Cooper

On Friday, March 5, the varsity football team played in its first game against Hood River Valley High School, losing 14-30. 

Here are photos from the event.

  • The team emerged from the athletic center after a halftime discussion.

  • Players lined up as the opposing team prepared to snap the ball.

  • On March 5, the La Salle football team had their first game of the season against Hood River at home.

  • On March 5, the La Salle football team had their first game of the season against Hood River at home.

  • Players prepared on the sideline.

  • Players prepared on the sideline.

  • Senior Ryan Rosumny surveyed the field before a play.

  • Coach Aaron Hazel talked to the team.

  • The team lined up for a snap.

  • Players and coaches huddled during a break in the play.

  • The team prayed together after the game.

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