McQuillin said that when classes where still on campus, he felt “more engaged and driven,” but now, his school work “just seems so tedious.”
John McQuillin
As a senior, John McQuillin has had several events taken away from him because of COVID-19. “I was hoping for senior prom, hoping for senior escape, all of the activities at the end of the year that we get to do, [and] the graduation party,” he said.
Most of all, McQuillin lost his final baseball season. Since the season was canceled, he has found that he has less of a sense of motivation. “My main motivator was baseball, and that’s not happening anymore,” he said.
Not only has McQuillin had to cope with the loss of his senior year, but recently he has also been dealing the loss of a family member due to the virus. He said that what’s been affecting him the most mentally is “probably the fact that I’ve lost a lot — losing a family member, [and] losing the sport I love.”
To help clear his mind during this time, McQuillin has started doing some new activities outdoors and around the house. “Just the other day, I went on a bike ride around my neighborhood,” he said. “The last time I actually rode my bike was years ago, so that was pretty big.” McQuillin has also been playing basketball, helping his parents with yard work, and playing video games.
While McQuillin adjusts to his last few weeks of DLDs, he has noticed a difference in the way that he completes his work compared to how he would during the normal school year. “I [used to be] more engaged and driven,” he said. “Now, [everything] just seems so tedious.”
Aside from DLD work, McQuillin does find himself being more productive during this time off. “I started to become more helpful,” he said. “I just started to adapt in a different way.”
In the fall, McQuillin will be attending Grand Canyon University. While so much has been canceled for him, he sees college as “just another thing that’s going to be coming. This one I can anticipate rather than [thinking about] whatever is going on now.”
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