Humans of La Salle: Teacher Fashion
Carlie Weigel, Assistant Editor
Teachers can have good style, too. Here’s an inside look at the fashion choices made by several teachers at La Salle, not only these days, but also when they were younger.
Mr. Banks
Back in high school, religion and Spanish teacher Mr. Noah Banks attended La Salle, which strictly influenced the way he used to style himself. He said the outfits he wore were “pretty straightforward,” and consisted of a t-shirt and jeans nearly everyday. “In high school… my parents bought my clothes, and I literally just wore what was in my drawers,” Mr. Banks said. His favori...
Ms. Cha
Growing up in New York taught art teacher Ms. Cha Asokan the importance of dressing comfortably. She said she used to, and still does, dress for the purpose of “function over fashion.” “[One time] I had my socks pulled up, and some sweatpants on, and a shirt that was completely ridiculous,” Ms. Cha said. When Ms. Cha was about 13 or 14, her younger sister told her she dressed the s...
Mr. Larson
English teacher Mr. Gregory Larson was voted as the best dressed in his high school class. He was known for wearing “all the colors, all the time” because he’s colorblind. “I don’t think that I was well dressed, I was just… most distinct [and] I stood out the most,” Mr. Larson said. His favorite clothing item used to be a turquoise, 80s windbreaker with neon yellow shapes. He wore a l...
Mr. Roth
When Mr. Eric Roth, science teacher, was in high school, sneakers were a huge trend, similar to today. He frequently wore Adidas Sambas, and Pumas. “If you knew the right sneakers, you were like [a] dork,” he said fondly. “So I had to have the right sneakers.” Mr. Roth hopes that parachute pants and the Mullet will, one day, come back in style, as they used to be very popular. It was ...
Ms. Kessler
Spanish teacher Ms. Karen Kessler was in high school during the 80s, when trends such as wearing leg-warmers, polos with the collars turned up, and leggings were very popular. Madonna even had a huge influence on the way Ms. Kessler styled herself, so she ended up cutting her hair into a short bob with a full set of bangs. “I regret cutting my hair in high school [which] is why I have long ...
Mr. Swanson
Math teacher Mr. Larry Swanson used to wear ripped camouflage pants, a denim jacket, and earth shoes as a high schooler. “I was a mess,” he said. Mr. Swanson also had long, “shaggy,” and “bushy” hair, which is something he’s noticed is back in style today. “Just enjoy it while you got it,” he said. Aside from earth shoes, which had a recessed heel, and “sagging,” Mr. ...
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