La Salle Strives to be “Better Together” In the Month of February
This February will be the second annual “Better Together” fundraiser month.
January 15, 2020
With a special assembly on Jan. 24, the school community will be moving closer to the official launch of the second annual “Better Together” student fundraiser.
In the past, the yearly fundraiser has taken the form of apple sales and walk-a-thons, but this year, phone-a-thons, spirit points, and other activities will be the base of the fundraiser.
While some students may find it difficult to reach their $150 school donation goal, Director of Community Ms. Liz Banta says student council is looking to plan engaging activities to help students raise the money they need to meet their quota.
The cumulative money raised will go towards student scholarships and into school community activities such as dances.
“We have activities planned for the entire month of February,” Ms. Banta said. “We’re beginning with Unity Day.”
Unity Day will consist of the freshman retreat and sophomore day of service, during which sophomores will volunteer at various locations such as the Wichita Center and the Blanchet House.
Ms. Sarah Maher, La Salle’s new Director of Service and Dean of Women, said she is impressed with students’ intentions to partake in service. “I feel as though there is a strong desire for students to want to be more involved in the outside community, especially [with] those who are most vulnerable and marginalized,” she said.
In addition to the fundraiser, Better Together month highlights La Salle’s involvement with the Sparrow Project, an organization that encourages schools to sponsor a child with medical disadvantages.
Senior Matea Skoro first brought the Sparrow Project to Mr. Kuffner and Mr. Devine’s attention. She said she heard about the program through an associate of her father and wanted to make a difference.
For every hour of service that students serve, Sparrow will donate $10 towards the medical costs of a disadvantaged child (a “sparrow”). “[Service] could be as simple as helping your mom with the dishes,” Skoro said.
The school’s Sparrow this year is an eight year-old boy named Taran, who Ms. Maher described as a sweetheart. “He has cerebral palsy, he’s in a wheelchair and he’s nonverbal,” Ms. Banta said.
Taran and his family will be invited to school events such as assemblies, basketball games, and pep rallies. Ms. Banta emphasized the goal of having everyone in the school be aware of Taran so that the school can come together to support him.
The organizers of the Better Together fundraiser hope that it will be easy for the La Salle community to stay involved and raise money due to the variety of activities. “We have all different activities for all different interests,” Ms. Banta said. “[Students] should be able to find something to get involved in.”