Spring Sports in Action: Track Team Competes Against Putnam and St. Helens
Junior Evelyn Bergler is cheered on by the rest of the team as she comes around the corner for the last straightaway of the 4×400 relay.
Sam Hull, Staff Photographer
April 24, 2019
Last Wednesday, April 17, the La Salle track team competed at Putnam against both St. Helens and Putnam. Prior to the meet, the team was told that this was going to be a “tough competition” by head coach Mikel Rathmann.
With districts quickly approaching, on Thursday, May 16 and Friday, May 17, here are twelve photos capturing the action from last week’s meet.
Junior Mary Gach competes for the lead in the 4×100 relay.
Junior Ryan Bjorvik keeps his composure while sprinting the 100 meter dash.
Sophomore Molly Jenne caught mid air during her second attempt in long jump.
Junior Ashlyn Pynes takes the lead in her 100 meter dash.
Juniors Talia Felcher and Cameron Irish run the long distance 3000.
Senior Nahome Teshome takes the lead in the 100 meter dash.
Molly Jenne Sprints the first leg of the 4×400 meter relay.
Freshman Abby Reddick sprints the last leg of the 4×400 relay.
Sophomore Victoria Azar takes a long leap for a fantastic distance in long jump.
Nahome Teshome reaches to beat his personal record in long jump…
but falls short…
scratching his final jump.
Molly Jenne • May 1, 2019 at 8:41 pm
Sam, your reporting and pictures are awesome! Keep up the good work and I can’t wait to see what else you publish!