Student of the Week: Haylie Gray

Reilly Smith

Haylie Gray has been dancing for ten years and is now a member of multiple dance teams.

Olivia Galbraith, Staff Reporter

For freshman Haylie Gray, starting high school was an easy transition that brought new opportunities and challenges.

During her time at La Salle, she has balanced Honors Geometry, being a member of the school’s dance team, and dancing at a separate studio. Gray manages all of this while also achieving a 4.08 GPA first semester.

Gray’s favorite class this year has been French because of its interactive nature and her interest in “the language of arts.” She also says that while she enjoys all of her teachers, Mr. Fitzsimmons stands out. “He uses lots of teaching methods,” she said. “He [also] gives a lot of background [and] context to what he teaches.”

Some of the more difficult classes in her schedule include English “because of the workload,” and Physics due to the concepts that sometimes “take longer to grasp.” Even with the occasional challenge, Gray still hopes to maintain her GPA from first semester.

Having a busy lifestyle has been one of the various challenges accompanying Gray’s shift into high school. She says that time management is important to set yourself up for success.

While extracurriculars often add to the struggle of time management, Gray finds that dancing serves as a “good relief of stress.” Gray said being a member of the school’s dance team is “exciting, because I know a lot of the student body has enjoyed our performances… they seem to be encouraging us.”

Gray has been a dancer for over ten years. She is currently on two dance teams, “I dance at Studio One,” she said. “I’m on the senior team, which is contemporary and jazz, and hip hop crew, which is their highest hip hop team.”

Despite suffering an injury to her left knee last year, she says making dance a “separate part of my day” brings her bliss.

Even from her short time spent at La Salle so far, Gray finds that her experiences have taught her the importance of time management.

The advice she has received from others in combination with the lessons she has learned in advanced classes and extracurriculars have encouraged her to not “put so much effort into all of your work… I’m kind of a perfectionist, which is not great all the time because then I spend way too much time on every assignment.”

Gray admits that perfectionism can add pressure to academics, but she also emphasizes the importance of self care, specifically sleep. “I know it’s a common thing [to say], but it’s true,” Gray said.

Some of Gray’s favorite moments this year have been, “meeting some of my best friends,” and being able to perform in front of the school.

Looking forward to her time ahead at La Salle, Gray is striving to improve her GPA by challenging herself with more advanced classes, and broadening her horizons by keeping a piece of advice in mind that she received coming to high school: “Don’t be shy… be outgoing.”


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