Humans of La Salle: What Students and Staff Have Been Giving Up for Lent
March 20, 2019
Since the Ash Wednesday Mass took place two weeks ago on March 6, we are now well into the season of Lent. The Falconer interviewed some students and staff to see what they’re giving up for Lent, how their progress is going, and words of advice they have for others during these forty days.
Christian Magcalas

What Magcalas is giving up and why: Swearing and chocolate -“Chocolate is unhealthy and swearing has been a really bad habit over the past couple of years.”
How it’s going: “[So far] I haven’t eaten chocolate yet, but swearing, not so much.”
Advice to others: “Stick through it [and] go all the way.”
Jonah Hayes

What Hayes is giving up and why: AirPods – “I need to hear the message from God instead of listening to music.”
How it’s going: “I’m struggling with it, but it’s going okay. I kind of miss them, I look at them every morning.”
Advice to others: “You can do it. Just believe in yourself because I’m trying to, too.”
Toby Schram

What Schram is giving up and why: Sweets – “Being a three-sport athlete, [it’s] just a way to stay in shape and not eat too much sugar when you’re trying to get healthier and change your lifestyle.”
How it’s going: “Pretty good. I’ve stayed clean of sweets for a week now.”
Advice to others: “It’s tough, but as long as you know what your goal is, you can accomplish it.”
Camille Brumbaugh

What Brumbaugh is giving up and why: Plastic straws – “They hurt turtles which are God’s creation. Plastic straws are bad for the environment. I’m using metal straws that I got off Amazon.”
How it’s going: “Really bad. I haven’t used a metal straw. They’re in my room and I keep forgetting to bring them out in public. In the Chick-fil-A or Dutch Bros. line, I have to ask when ordering for no straw.”
Advice to others: “Don’t give up if you mess up. Keep doing it because you’ll eventually remember and then be able to go through with [what you’re giving up].”
Kalei Carter

What Carter is giving up and why: Every drink except water – “I chose this because I realized I drink my drinks too fast, and it’s healthier for me if I only drink water… I really like to drink soda and I know it’s really bad for me. And my dentist told me I shouldn’t [have] carbonated drinks because it’s bad for my enamel.”
How it’s going: “I’ve only broken it once when I drank a glass of milk.”
Advice to others: “You can do anything for forty days. If you really want to give [something] up, you should stick to it and work your best.”
Maren Sheahan

What Sheahan is giving up and why: Drinks from Dutch Bros. and Black Rock Coffee Bar – “They’re really unhealthy and doing this saves money and helps me be more healthy.”
How it’s going: “It’s hard because I crave one every now and then. I haven’t broken it yet, but I have been tempted because a lot of my friends drink them.”
Advice to others: “If you put your mind to it, you can push back any temptations and prove to yourself that you can do it.”
Mr. Kendrick

What Mr. Kendrick is giving up and why: Meat, ordering anything larger than a small coffee, and only getting one alcoholic drink when out with friends – “I’ve been doing [those three things] every year for three years. I chose meat because I’ve been playing with the idea of becoming a vegetarian… The other two, it’s more to recognize that I don’t really need these things to work well or… to have fun.”
How it’s going: “Pretty good. I give myself a few cheat days, but honestly it’s been pretty easy.”
Advice to others: “Definitely connect it to something that’s meaningful to you… See it as an opportunity for freedom. It’s not something you have to do, but it’s an opportunity to focus on the things that really matter.”
Ms. Powell

What Ms. Powell is giving up and why: M&Ms – “[I chose them] because I love them. Everywhere you go in a store, gas station, doesn’t matter, there’s M&Ms. [So] I thought I can do this.”
How it’s going: “It’s hard but so far so good. It’s not easy, but I’ve done it.”
Advice to others: “Stay home and don’t go outside, and don’t go to the store.”
Mr. Mac

What Mr. Mac is giving up and why: Giving up sweets and focusing on faith and equity – “[Sweets are] a comfort food for me. I wanted to stop trying to cover up my emotions and really notice what I’m feeling. Some of the teachers are involved in equity training for a year, [and] I’m going to do that next summer. Right now I’m doing a program that’s six months looking at equity and how churches can deal with racism, and overcome racism.”
How it’s going: “I haven’t had any sweets, so I’m doing pretty well, and I think I’m pretty conscious of my feelings.”
Advice to others: “I balance the giving up with doing something positive, for yourself or for others. Giving stuff up can be hard and good, but balance that with doing something positive. We give up and then we give.”
What are you giving up for Lent? Let us know in the comments below!