The various art classes provided at La Salle have had a very successful and colorful first semester. Many amazing drawings, collages, and paintings have been produced by the hardworking artists in the art program. Here are some examples of the amazing artwork that was done.
A prismacolor pencil and acrylic paint piece done by sophomore Alyna Nguyen, who is in Advanced Art 3D.Digital photo on canvas done by sophomore Celina Massaad, who is in Advanced Art 2D.Acrylic painting done by junior Tanner Ahmann, who is in Advanced Art 2D.Spray paint piece with ink done by senior Gabe Rozzell, who is in AP Studio Art.Digital photo on canvas by sophomore Heavenly Salcedo, who is in Advanced Art 2D.Acrylic piece done by junior Maddie Capps, who is in Advanced Art 2D.Oil painting done by senior Emma Sheets, who is in AP Studio Art.A watercolor piece done by sophomore Annie Hoang, who is in AP Studio Art.A watercolor piece done by sophomore Annie Hoang, who is in AP Studio Art.
Reilly Nesen is a senior at La Salle. She plays on the tennis team and loves to help out with the volunteer club. In her free time she likes to hang out...
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