Photo and Video Feature: La Salle’s Walkout in Memory of Parkland Victims
At 10 a.m. today, hundreds of La Salle students left their classrooms in remembrance of the lives lost in the Parkland, Florida school shooting that took place on February 14th.
Video by Shak Saidjanov
Participating students gathered in the courtyard for 17 minutes, listening in somber silence as student leaders talked about those who died in the shooting. Leaders described their personalities and plans for the future before their lives were cut short. Along with paying their respects, they discussed the prevalence of gun violence in schools, noting some of the many shootings that have taken place in recent decades.
Did you participate in the walkout? How do you feel about the gun control debate currently underway in our country? Let us know in the comments below!

Tarn is a senior at La Salle. He is a varsity lacrosse player and actor in La Salle’s theater program. In his free time he enjoys photography, spending...

Shak is a senior at La Salle, where he played varsity football. In his free time Shak enjoys trout fishing and writing, as well as listening to a copious...

Kendal is currently a senior at La Salle. She is a competitive gymnast and will be attending Azusa Pacific University to compete on their Acrobatics and...

Kierra is currently a junior at La Salle. She loves traveling and volunteering in nature. In the rest of her free time she enjoys reading, playing the...
David Sullivan • Mar 14, 2018 at 9:57 pm
I participated in the walkout to remember the 17 lives that were lost, because I had believed that was the intent. When the speakers began talking about gun control and turned it political, I almost left because I was so angry. The purpose of this walkout was advertised as to remember those who lost their lives, and I found the political action talk disrespectful. The one true way to stop school shootings is to never allow a person to feel so worthless they believe killing others will solve their problems. It’s up to each and every one of us to never allow someone to be in such a dark place.
Maren Sheahan • Mar 14, 2018 at 10:56 pm
While I do understand where you’re coming from, I don’t believe that the responsibility of school shootings lays in the hands of those who “allow” someone to feel like killing is their only option. In addition to that, the flyers advertising the memorial clearly stated that the event included a “call-to-action to unite La Salle students around the issue of school safety.” Did you want us to show no emotion or to not acknowledge how these people died? I don’t think you were mislead, and I think it is ludicrous that you feel the intent of the walkout was for any reason other than to honor the victims. But of course, I am sorry that our memorial made you feel angry and disrespected.
Ethan • Mar 14, 2018 at 7:54 pm
The fact that we need to do this is sad. This should not be happening in the US. This walkout will hopefully have the momentum to make change in the world. Very happy to be a LaSallian today!
Nicole Khoury • Mar 14, 2018 at 6:57 pm
I’m honored that I was able to speak during this walkout and commemorate the 17 people that we have lost. Such a heartwarming experience to see my fellow classmates and teachers also participating with me. We won’t stand down for what we think is right. Let our voices be heard. #neveragain