Five Patriots Players not Attending Traditional White House Visit

March 1, 2017
Every year the winning Super Bowl team attends a traditional visit to the White House to meet the President of the United States.
This tradition has more recently been not followed by more and more players – with Tom Brady and Matt Birk not meeting President Obama, and Manny Ramirez not meeting President Bush.
Although in these past instances politics were not always the reason, there have been at least five players who are refusing to attend the White House this year out of opposition to President Trump.
These players so far include Martellus Bennett, Devin McCourty, LeGarrette Blount, Chris Long and James White.
Two of these players, Martellus Bennett and LeGarrette Blount, had also participated in the anti-Trump protests this season, in which they raised their fists during the entirety of the National Anthem.
Unlike other players who have skipped out on the White House visit for personal reasons, like Tom Brady not meeting President Obama and Manny Ramirez not meeting President Bush, all five Patriots players are not attending because of their disapproval towards President Trump.
Martellus Bennett told reporters directly following the Super Bowl win that “right now I am just trying to enjoy this…” but “I am not going to go.”
Devin McCourty told TIME Magazine, “I’m not going to the White House. Basic reason for me is I don’t feel accepted in the White House. With the president having so many strong opinions and prejudices I believe certain people might feel accepted there while others won’t.”
Dont’a Hightower said, “Been there done that”, referring to when he went to the White House with Alabama. In addition, Hightower also skipped out on the presidential visit with the Patriots in 2014 so this will be the second time he will not attend. According to an SB Nation article, “Hightower’s reasoning was apparently much less politically motivated.”
When @NYDNSports tweeted to Chris Long that he should not attend the White House visit in rebellion of President Trump. Chris Long replied simply that he “Planned on skipping…”
The date for the Patriot’s White House visit has not yet been determined.
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