Prevent Stressed Students by Not Giving Homework over Break
December 16, 2015
Everyone looks forward to the Christmas break, but at the same time, everyone dreads the loads of homework undoubtedly saved until the last Saturday and Sunday. Students usually end up stressing about it at the last minute rather than getting it done early.
Attending a college prep school means that there is a greater workload for the students. This means that the “regular” load work is different than most other schools, and students at La Salle are in even more need of a break. Just because other schools have homework doesn’t mean we have to do the same.
Homework can be assigned in order to keep skills fresh, but rest is also good for the brain in order to retain information. Students are more likely to be burnt out on learning if the information is constantly drilled into their brains.
Most La Salle students not only have to balance their schoolwork, but their extracurricular activities as well. Because most do a good job at maintaining good grades, they should be rewarded with a break for all of the hard work they’ve been doing.
The Christmas season is meant to be dedicated to spending time with friends and family, not focusing on work and studies.
As a Catholic school, we also know in particular how the season is dedicated to God and giving our time to Him.
The whole point of a break is just that: to get a break from school, schoolwork, and any other responsibilities we usually carry while in school. There is no reason to make us do work when we are on the break or else it defeats the entirety of its purpose.
Homework should be saved for regular school days and break should be a chance to take a break. When you mix the two, it spoils the meaning of the Christmas break and being able to spend time with friends and family.
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