New Starbucks Opens on 82nd Avenue

Emrie Good, Editor

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A new Starbucks on 82nd Avenue is now open, adding one more local option for La Salle students in need of a caffeine fix. Located at SE 82nd and King Road, this new Starbucks includes a drive through and plenty of comfy seating inside that adds to the cozy atmosphere.

Junior Abby Vincent says that she is looking forward to going to this new space because “it’s bigger than the other Starbucks on 82nd, and I can’t wait to study there during finals week.”

However, Starbucks is not the only coffee shop that students are fond of. “I like Black Rock better, since it’s cheaper,” junior Hayden Jones says. “But now the lines will be shorter at Black Rock because some people will be at Starbucks.

At least some students, though, are looking forward to this new Starbucks. Explaining why the new store is so convenient, sophomore Megan Lyver says that “since it’s right off of 82nd, it’s super easy to get in and out of there if you need some caffeine to get you through the day.”

Are you planning on taking advantage of the new Starbucks, either for studying space or early morning coffee stops? Let us know in the comments below!