Lexi York Earns Fourth National Title
April 1, 2015
Lexi York is a senior at La Salle who is currently among the top players in the world in women’s high school racquetball. She is the only person ever to become a four-time high school national title winner in the 29 years of the competition’s history. Lexi also just recently participated in the adult state tournament and competed in multiple events. To find out a bit more about her experience, we asked her a few questions.
- How does it feel to have a four time national title?
“I don’t know what to think about it, but I am more than blessed to have the opportunity to play something that I love everyday.”
- Who did you fear playing the most?
“I don’t fear playing anyone anymore because I am never scared to play. I get more excited than anything. I do get nervous to play big games but that doesn’t have to do with anyone you competition, it is more about how I will perform.”
- What was the hardest part of the national tournament?
“My daily routine was different when I went to nationals so I had to adjust to the new schedule, because of the time change.”
- When did you start playing racquetball?
“I started when I was 10 years old.”
- A few weeks ago you participated in the adult state tournament—how did you do do in that?
“I won all three events, women’s singles, mixed doubles, and women’s doubles.”
- What inspires you to play?
“I don’t like to lose. That is why I have strived to become the best, so I never lose.”
- What is your next step?
“Hopefully [playing] in college, at either Oregon State University or University Of Arizona, and then the pro tour.”
- Is there a sport you are not good at?
“Basketball- I can’t shoot the ball and come even remotely close to the hoop.”
- Could you be able to make a living in the Pro tour?
“The only way I can make a living is being number one, but I don’t want to play racquetball for a living. I love the sport, [and] I want to play the sport until I die, but not as a way of living.”
- When will you make your decision about college?
“I need to make my decision in the next couple of weeks because of the deadlines, but between OSU and Arizona, they are 50-50 right now.”